Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In the beginning...

Hi there and welcome to my blog. My intentions are simple: Learn something new often and share it with someone else.

To me, learning is a part of life. Learning can be inspired, serendipitous, coerced, random, intentful, and transformative.

I hope that you will join me as I share with you my journey of learning. I can't promise enlightening epiphanies or profound philosophical thought. What I do hope you will discover are the joys and passions of learning akin to a young child encountering their first carnival experience.

So, take up your posture of choice - either reclined or inclined (as I am) and thank you for not being declined! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr.Au, I hope your blog and your learning become a success, as I too, miss the days of where learning was constant and utterly amazing. Now a days i feel as if i took for granted the days of being a young child.
